Wow. Quite a donnybrook I have let myself in for. I think I stood a chance until I slapped the Silver Surfer on there. I am no match for the Power Cosmic.
Have I ever mentioned there will be spoilers here? Anyone who has been here surely knows this to be the case by now. It can't be that big of a deal seeing as I only write about comics that have already been out fo rmonths...ANYWAY!
Dan Slott, long time Spidey writer, had the sinister scheme to kill Peter Parker and have Doctor Octopus take over, he being the titular Superior Spider-Man. 30 issues in and finally, Peter returns from the depths of Spider-Ock's mind. And not only does he come back, Otto Octavius, so changed by his time as a hero,
gives his own self up to allow Peter back.
This is some serious pay-off. Awesome stuff. almost 3 years worth of story (released at an accelerated pace over maybs 18 monthsish) coming to an amazing climax as Parker returns to face off in the final fight with his nemesis, the Green Goblin (assumed to be Norman Osborne at this point but I would not be super surprised if there is a twist at the last moment...and yes, I know this came out months ago and I could Google the answer but I won't!)
He used to be Superior, now he is once more merely Amazing. |
I have seriously enjoyed this whole storyline. I think it is a tribute to how well done it is that I really want, somehow, Otto Octavius to remain a hero.
If you didn't give the Superior Spider-Man a chance, you really missed out. I can't wait to read the climax and then to read how Peter deals with the huge changes Otto made to Parker's life while he doppelganged it up.
Dan Slott and Cristos Gage wrote it, Giuseppe Camuncoli drew it. John Dell and Terry Pallot inked it. Antonio Fabella coloured it.
Awesome story.
Back on the West Coast, with the girl Hawkeye, Kate Spencer. More wacky private eye hijinks. Kate is probably my favourite of the Young Avengers, thanks to Matt Fraction. I love his take on her as a kind of almost female Rockford. That poor girl gets the crap kicked out of her and she just keeps on going. A lot like dude Hawkeye really. Even though they are both non-powered heroes, he sorts seems more "superheroey" for some reason. Probs his time on the Avengers. Kate'll get there.
ANYWAY! As I have mentioned before, this series is sublime. Both art and story. This issue does not disappoint. I strongly wish there were some way for this series to continue but I guess Fraction has had some setback or another (I could probably Google it but will instead decide it was a sharknado incident) and it is coming to an end qith #22. Critical acclaim and all. I wish they would Moon Knight this bad boy and let someone carry on with the same themes and style (I refer to the way Brian Wood has taken over from Warren Ellis on Moon Knight). Marvel, you have my number.
Ok, no you don't but I will give it to you if you ask.
Madame Masque as Kate's nemesis is wonderful.I loves it. I LOVES IT.
Read this comic and all its friends.
Dr. Strange is not in this issue... |
Just a quick word. Jonathan Hickman is brilliant. I love this series and I am just dying to read how all his plot threads come together in Time Runs Out. It almost smells of Civil War 2. Almost. Maybs that'll be the next event, after Axis.
And finally, I Slott it up once more with
I am going to do this whole series at some point, I can tell, because it is that brilliant. Silver Surfer as the Marvel Universe Doctor Who is such a genius and logical take on the character. And all that Allred art! Hot damn! Loverly loverly stuff. I would marry it but I am taken, alas.
I have enjoyed the Surfer for a long time. This may be the best take on him yet.