Monday, 4 August 2014

Geoffrey vs. Ms. Marvel #1

Ms. Marvel, Ms. Marvel. What shall we ever do with you.

Read you every issue, that's what! Man, what a breath of fresh air. I love superheroes and all the regular old air that they come with just fine thanks but it is nice to breathe in something new every once in a while, no?

Not that everything here is new. It's a classic set up. Spider-Man level classic. Teenager gets fantastic powers. The awesome part is the teenager is a female, non-white person, instead of the typical Chuck Whitecheese that usually lucks into the awesome. But classic is classic for a reason, right?

You can read all over the net how successful this series has been. It deserves it. Kamala Khan deserves a long-standing place at the Marvel table. This comic was exciting. Funny, interesting characters (and non-super supporting cast! I love a non-super supporting cast!), gorgeous art...this comic is the real deal.

Writer G. Willow Wilson, keep it up. Artists Adrian Alphona and Ian Herring, you also keep it up. I can't wait to read more, to meet Kamala's rogues, and see her grow into an A-lister.

Given her sales, I think the latter will happen PDQ, IYKWIM.


Free in Marvel Unlimited. For sale elsewhere. Trades I am sure are imminent.

(Here's a free idea for you, Marvel: All-New Uncanny Young Avengers - Marvel Boy, Ms. Marvel, Miss America Chavez, Patriot, Prodigy, Hope, Speed, Kate Bishop Hawkeye, Troll. Aaaaaaaand go. Write it.)

(OK, maybe not Troll. BUT ALSO MAYBE!)

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